You’ve done really well to get here, now I will let you know what to expect.
You’ve been struggling with something. Depression that has held you back from your potential success. Anxiety that has made you irritable and brought relationship friction. Feeling stuck, and losing your mojo.
Maybe something more obviously external, stress at work, an ended relationship, a bereavement, an illness. And you’ve been tired, drinking, taking your anger out on people, using porn, or worse.
Therapy is an alliance that allows you a regular and safe space to examine those concerns at your own speed , while all the time being in the safe hands of a highly qualified, intelligent, understanding, and experienced therapist.
We will meet weekly or more often and working through the problems that are holding you back, or weighing you down. Some sessions will focus on your thinking patterns in the present, and examine and build a strategy to move forward into a cleaner future. Others might allow you to return to traumas from your past which have remained unresolved, and address the in the safe confines of the therapy room.